About Larne Methodist Circuit
About Us
We are a group of Methodist churches in Larne and Carnlough making up the Larne Methodist Circuit. All churches in the circuit are maintained by a shared ministry team, that consists of full-time staff working alongside with amazing local leaders and volunteers.
Besides regular church activities, the circuit’s team is always creating new groups and activities for the local communities to connect with. All our activities try to focus our attention on what the Spirit is up to in our neighbourhoods! We desire to be the people God calls us to be, by joining in God’s work of the full redemption and transformation of our world … and that includes our towns!

Our Mission
Our desire is to follow God into the neighbourhood, and join in the work of the Spirit in our lives and in our communities. Living wholeheartedly as followers of Jesus for the transformation of the world

Rev Dr Julian Hamilton
Often known as Jools, he is the superintendent minister of the circuit, and counts it a pleasure and privilege to lead the ministry team.
He is married to Rhona, and has a full house with three wonderful (step)daughters and a dog called Oaklee.
He is thus, happily, surrounded by females! In ministry, Jools leads the team to recognise that our church and our world belong to God, and we are simply the stewards of all that God is doing in the world and in the Church.
ALL is Grace, and our church at it’s best is a harbinger of ‘Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.” Bringing Heaven to earth!

Maree Kyle
Maree Kyle is our Circuit Admin Executive (part-time volunteer). Maree is a former Executive Officer, working in the world of housing associations.
She brings a wealth of experience in organizing the team, financial planning, and strategic development within the leadership of the circuit.
She is passionate about God and passionate about seeing the church of God grow and continue to transform our town.

Alison Wolfe
Alison Wolfe is the Society steward of our Larne congregation, leading all the activity and community connection that we are growing.
Alison has many years of experience in corporate administration, and brings her valuable skills to running events, connecting with people, growing programs and bringing her wisdom to the leaders table.
Alison has a heart to see the church grow, and impact the lives of everyone in the town.

Lynne Milligan
Lynne Milligan is the Society steward of our Craigyhill congregation, leading the team of volunteers who keep our Craigyhill congregation vibrant and vital.
With decades of volunteering in different roles within the church, Lynne brings a huge amount of experience, understanding and commitment to God’s church and God’s people.
Lynne has a heart to see the church impact the lives of the people around it, seeing God working in our everyday lives.

Harold Smyth
Harold Smyth is the society steward for the beautiful coastal congregation in Carnlough.
He has faithfully led the congregational team for decades, holding many more keys that steward … rather he has been the ‘father of the congregation’ and he continues to bring his insights, experience and wisdom to the wider Circuit leadership for the good of all the churches.

John Knox
Our Circuit Steward, John is responsible for leading the team of stewards from our congregations.
He has a deep passion to see people know the love of Christ, and is deeply committed to our churches being places where that love can be shown in real ways.
John is a lifelong Methodist from Larne, who has seen many changes over the years, and is excited about what God is doing in the here and now.

Helen Buchanan
Helen brings her many years of experience working in schools and various church settings to the important work amongst the children and young people of Larne.
She is an advocate for a church where every generation is recognised and valued, and uses her considerable talent to invite children and young people to be active followers of Jesus.

Glynis Henderson
Glynis Henderson is the music director for the circuit, and as such plays an intricate part in the worship life of the congregations.
As a gifted pianist and organist she leads the congregations from the front, and also teaches and trains the ‘Circuit Singers!’
She has a desire to see lively and meaningful worship in our churches, where God is glorified, people feel connected, and people of all ages can enjoy the sacrifice of praise that is offered.